Exercises are essential to various agencies to help prepare employees and management for potential hazards. Through exercises, agencies can assess their strengths and identify weaknesses and work out problems in a non-critical environment.

On Target Preparedness staff are experienced in developing and conducting numerous exercises across numerous Emergency Support Functions. These exercises are tailored to the needs of each agency and can include participants ranging from just a few individuals to several dozen agencies for a region-wide program.

OTP’s personalization of exercises includes two organizational categories: discussion-based and operation-based training.

  • Discussion-based exercises include: seminars, workshops, tabletop exercises, and games. This category is structured to familiarize agencies with their current plans and procedures while evaluating the policies to fix weaknesses or develop new practices.
  • Operation-based exercises include: drills, functional exercises, and full-scale exercises. This category is structured to validate existing plans, clarify positional roles and responsibilities, and identify and resolve any gaps within policies.

As part of OTP's exercise development service, we follow the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) and develop and mantian all supporting documentation including meeting agendas, minutes and sing in sheets for all planning meetings, exercise evaluation guides and produce a thorough After Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) outlining the tasks that were done well and what requires improvement with corrective actions identified.